﷯ ﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯In Love﷯ ﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯ ﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯ ﷯﷯﷯Rating: 4.1 (96 Ratings)﷯﷯13 Grabs Today. 9879 Total Grabs. ﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯
﷯Get the Code﷯﷯ ﷯﷯ ﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯Pink Lightning﷯ ﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯ ﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯ ﷯﷯﷯Rating: 3.9 (59 Ratings)﷯﷯13 Grabs Today. 6311 Total Grabs. ﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯Get the Code﷯﷯ ﷯﷯ ﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯Blue Hawaii﷯ ﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯ ﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯﷯ ﷯﷯﷯Rating: 4.2 (263 Ra CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Autumn Valentine.

In May my heart was breaking -
oh, wide the wound, and deep!
And bitter it beat at waking,
And sore it split in sleep.

And when it came November,
I sought my heart, and sighed,
"Poor thing, do you remember?"
"What heart was that?" it cried.
Dorothy Parker.